Scientific Name:Intsia Bijuga
Family Name: Caesalpiniaceae
Other Names:Ai fra mas, Aizella, Bafn ooi, Bendora, Borneo teak, Choyo, Dedira, Dort, Dowora,Eh, Finuki-ukaba, Ghughole, Go nvoe, Go-nuoe, Gox nuwowse, Hintzy, Ifet, Ifil, Ihili, Ipi, Ipil, Isere, Ivili, Kaboing, Kajoe besi, Kayu besi, Kebuk, Kelo, Kivili, Krakas prek, Kubok, Kubuk, Kuren, Kwila, Lehase, Lumpha, Lumpho, Lumpho-thale, Makhamong, Makhar, Maroeasi, Melila, Mer, Merbau, Merbau changkat, Merbaue, Mirabow, Moluccan ijzerhout, U'ula, Moluccan ironwood, Nityanmis, Ombong, Pas, Pradu-thale, Sabol, Sekka, Show, Sira, Tariti, Tashiro-mame, Tat-talun, Telat, Thort, Tos, Tuamis, Vesi, Vuvuta, Wantal, Waroeasi, Wesele, Zolt, Zort
It is a very hardwood, well known to local timber uses because of its good strength properties and natural durability.
Use and Application
It can be used for heavy construction, poles, sleepers, wharfs, bridging, truck and cart bodies, stumps, piles, cross-arms, stairs and deckings, door and window sills, boatkeels, boat framing, domestic and heavy duty framing etc.
Scientific Values
Density(kg/cm): 785
Stiffness(kg/ccm): 168 - 1000
Static Bending(kg/scm): 722
Hardness(kg): 855
Shearing Strength(Kg/scm): 188
Max. Crushing Strength(kg/scm): 707
Bending Strength (kg/scm): 1413
Durability in Ground (Years): Very Durable